Canadian Rental Service

Pressurize large buildings quickly

By Administrator   


The new ICE Frost Fighter IHS series delivers superior performance over other comparable heaters in the market. With four inches of static, high temperature rise, and an industrial style blower, it can handle 200 feet of ductwork and pressurize large buildings quickly.

The new ICE Frost Fighter IHS series delivers superior performance over
other comparable heaters in the market. With four inches of static,
high temperature rise, and an industrial style blower, it can handle
200 feet of ductwork and pressurize large buildings quickly.
in propane/natural gas or oil fired. The heater has 2 x 16 inch outlets
and 2 x 16 inch inlets, which can be used to recirculate the heated air
and increase the discharge temperature. Both units are certified to
rigorous C.S.A. and E.T.L. standards, and many of the parts are
interchangeable with the current Frost Fighter portable heaters.
Standard units are skid-mounted with forklift pockets.

For greater
versatility in remote areas, the IHS is available on a trailer with two
environmental spillage containment fuel tanks with an 80-hour run time.

Contact Industrial Commercial Equipment (I.C.E.): 1-204-775-8252,

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