Canadian Rental Service

President’s Message: May 2009

By Jay Williams CRA president   

Canadian Rental Association

As a rental operator I take great pleasure in providing a valuable service to my customers. As the president of the Canadian Rental Association (CRA) I take equal pleasure in helping members of this association.

CRA president Jay Williams

As a rental operator I take great pleasure in providing a valuable service to my customers. As the president of the Canadian Rental Association (CRA) I take equal pleasure in helping members of this association.

You can image then how much I enjoy announcing the success of the Protected Self Insurance Program (PSIP).

After years of groundwork, the CRA and Hayhurst Elias Dudek (HED) Insurance and Risk Services will complete the third year of this program in June.

The program was launched in 2006, in response to the difficulty that many rental dealers experienced finding affordable insurance coverage that adequately protected rental dealers. The unique member-based insurance plan provides coverage for equipment out on rental and for re-rental of equipment, which was a key element for companies that could not get this kind of coverage.

As participation grows the program has the opportunity to enhance rate stability in the future and continue to improve the possibility of a rebate to members.

I congratulate the rental operators who saw the value of this program and signed up early. I encourage non-members to join us and benefit from the tangible value the CRA is offering to you and your business. Visit our website to learn more: .

This is something we set up to help rental companies and I take great pleasure in telling you that it’s working!

Forward thinkers
Despite the economic downturn I was encouraged to see the high level of participation from both suppliers and rental operators at the CRA regional trade shows this year.

The shows in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Quebec were well attended and very well supported. Sure we hear about “recession” but from what I see, associate members are still launching new products and equipment lines, rental companies are still buying and businesses are still growing.

It proves that the professionals in this business are forward thinkers who know that things will get better. These are people I see on the show floor and in the exhibit booths. Yes, the economy will turn around, and when it does, these are the people who will be ready.

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