Canadian Rental Service

Letter to ARA members from Mike Blaisdell

By Mike Blaisdell   

Canadian Rental Association

July 25, 2011 - President-elect nominee Mike Blaisdell has sent the following letter to ARA member locals asking members for their votes in the upcoming ARA elections.

Dear CRA Member,

My name is Mike Blaisdell, vice-president/general manager of Bunce Rental in Tacoma, Wash.,
and I have the honour of being nominated as a candidate for president-elect. As such, I felt it was important for me to contact you personally to tell you a little about myself and ask for your vote.

As vice president/general manager, I direct three rental divisions with seven locations including: Bunce Rental (general tool/construction), American Party Place (party/special event) and American Medical Rental and Supply (medical equipment rentals/sales).

I began working at Bunce Rental in March of 1978 as a sophomore in high school. Little did I know, that what started out as just a summer job, would evolve into a rewarding career. At the encouragement of Bunce Rental owners Jack and Mark Greenfield, I have been involved in our industry and the American Rental Association since 1984. Over the years, I have been active at the local, state and national association levels, serving on several committees and most recently as ARA Region Eight director.

My involvement serving on the ARA board of directors has clearly demonstrated the value of cooperation for a common goal and my experiences serving ARA at all levels have been invaluable. My diverse background in all segments of our industry (general tool, construction and party rental) allows me to understand and represent the needs of our members. I want to blend these experiences to give back to our association and raise the bar for our customers and our industry.

I have always enjoyed working with people and I am honoured and excited to run for the office of ARA
president-elect. I have been blessed with a very supportive wife of 24 years, and have a daughter and a son. I am very active in coaching youth sports and my wife and I both support our community in several ways.

The ballots that will be mailed around July 21st from ARA will give you a brief description of my background
and experience volunteering in our industry. You can also visit my Facebook page for more information about me: Your vote will enable me to continue to help develop new member programs and services that meet your needs.

I appreciate your support of the association and it would be a pleasure and my honour to serve the members of the CRA and the ARA. Thank you for your consideration of Mike Blaisdell for ARA president-elect!


Mike Blaisdell
Bunce Rental

Please feel free to contact me at (253) 472-3347 or

Related links
American Rental Association
Bunce Rental

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