Canadian Rental Service

CRA President’s Message: Last stop on the Canadian Rental Association Express

By Hank McInnis CRA president   

Canadian Rental Association business

This is my last article for Canadian Rental Service magazine and I am proud to say I kept the tradition of keeping Patrick up all night wondering if I would make the deadline. I would like to thank Patrick for his patience. [Never lost a wink. - ed.] I would like to thank all the members both regular and associate for making this a wonderful ride.

I would also like to thank all the volunteers on committees, local boards, national boards and the executive board – you all made this very easy. I would like to send a special thank you to Nathalie and the staff at the CRA offices as well as Tony and the staff at the ARA office – without your guidance and assistance I would not have succeeded in fulfilling many of my goals. The reception given to me at the events I had the pleasure to attend was fabulous. I met many people, learned a lot and most important made some new friends. That is the best thing I can say about my years as part of this association and my involvement as a volunteer: I now have a larger circle of friends, some of who I am sure will be lifelong friends and business partners.

If for some reason you cannot volunteer, I suggest you participate in one or more of the many events provided by the CRA or the ARA. You can take in The Rental Show in New Orleans where you can also take in the Canadian Rental Association Hospitality event and the CRA AGM. You could also take in your local trade show where there are bargains to be had and friends to meet. There are also golf tournaments, social events, banquets and meetings just to name a few things. This year you can also take in the Rental Mart, which is hosted by this publication.

I have really enjoyed over the past few years watching the CRA/ARA grow and prosper and am very proud to be able to say I played a part in that. None of it could have happened without the people mentioned above and the board members that came before me. I leave knowing that I am leaving the association in great hands with Mike Maltby at the wheel and a very diverse board made up of men and women, old and young, party, construction, small tool and even specialty rental people. I know these people will keep that train rolling. If you want to be part of this, jump on board – it is a great ride and I know you will be received with open arms.

Once again let me say thank you to everyone. Without you this organization would not exist. If we look at our careers as a train, we are all missing some stops. There are benefits and networking opportunities we are not taking advantage of. But most importantly, friends we have not met yet.


Although I may have missed some stops, I certainly enjoyed the ride.

Hank McInnis is assistant manager at Battlefield Equipment Rental in Dartmouth, N.S. He has been working in the rental industry for 14 years.

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