Canadian Rental Service


By Jeff Campbell   

Canadian Rental Association

Summer means a break from meetings and trade shows for the CRA, but the work of the association goes on in the background.

Summer means a break from meetings and trade shows for the CRA, but the work of the association goes on in the background. Members will be receiving ballots soon for the election of up to four national directors. Please do what you can to get to know the candidates and take time to vote. This is one of the most important ways membership can have input to the operation of the national CRA.

One of the first objectives of the new board will be to have a review of our strategic plan at the national board meeting in September. This is a chance for members to get hold of their national board member or myself to help guide the direction of the CRA for the future. We really need to hear from you.

Once again, the CRA has secured a block of rooms for members at the upcoming Rental Show in Orlando. This time, we will be at the Renaissance Sea World. Book soon to ensure you secure a room. This show is a great member benefit because of our association with the American Rental Association. Combined with our regional CRA shows, it adds up to a terrific opportunity for you to participate with other rental operators and learn about the business. It is a step that sets you above the competition with increased knowledge of the rental industry.

As association activity slows down over the summer months, remember that you can still find out what is going on as far as meetings, events and seminars by looking at our website. This site is a great tool for keeping up to date and also a great resource for information.


As part of our ongoing focus on public relations and building rental awareness, we have launched a fun contest that is unlike anything we have ever done before. Members are invited to submit a three-minute (or less) video about themselves, their stores, their employees, their equipment or anything else connected to their businesses. Videos will be judged by the national board for their effectiveness at promoting the rental industry and raising rental awareness. The member producing the winning video will win a package of services from High Impact PR worth over $5,000! To enter, send your video via YouSendIt or Dropbox to If you have questions about how to send the video, contact Chris Dabrowski at (888) 863-7912. Be creative, be informative, and don’t forget to mention your Canadian Rental Association.

I would like to thank Pat Flannery for his editorial on how the CRA and Canadian Rental Service magazine partner together.

I would like to inform members on behalf of the CRA board of directors that executive director Amanda (Mandy) Wellnitz is no longer with the organization. Mandy served the association well for the past ten years, seven of them as our executive director. We have seen a great deal of change in the industry and we felt it was an appropriate time to seek out a new managing director. The entire board thanks Mandy for her tireless service to the association and its membership. We wish her every success in her future endeavours, and we look forward to working with a new managing director once that individual has been selected.

Keep your eye out for our summer mailer, which will detail a number of other CRA benefits coming you way.


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