Canadian Rental Service

Control, alt, compare

By Chris Skalkos   

Features Business Intelligence

Which supplier is writing the program best suited for your rental company?

It has only been three years since Canadian Rental Service featured rental software and I continue to be
surprised by the innovation and ingenuity that software developers exhibit in their products. This is certainly an industry that does not stand still. New versions and new features are constantly being added that further increase their value to rental companies.

On the other hand, I am also surprised by the pace of adoption by rental operators who are a lot more computer savvy today than they were back then. They know what features they want and they know what to expect from them.

During the course of my travels touring rental companies across the country, I very rarely hear rental operators say they do not want to be automated. Instead I hear them say that software is an essential tool to help them manage their businesses. I have listened to comments from rental operators about different software products that are available and they all have one thing in common. They work. As one rental operator puts it… “rock solid.”

Gone are the days where buggy and unstable software brought the infamous blue screen of death to a PC terminal. Software developers today have this technology down pat. What’s left then for a rental operator to look at when choosing a software vendor?

Comparing practical features… and the key word here is ‘practical’… is one way to decide. The other is flexibility. There is no one software product that is a complete fit for every and all rental companies. All of them need to be tweaked accordingly to fit the unique and individual needs of rental companies. The key then is finding a software product that can be tailored specifically to your rental operation. In one word… flexibility! Not just from the software, but also from the vendor who supplies it.

This issue presents several rental software products that are available to the rental market. I encourage readers to go beyond the pages of this magazine to contact the vendors. Ask the questions, take a download trial version for a test drive, talk to your colleagues and compare. All of these software programs today will do the job, but which one is flexible enough to do the specific job that you require based on your own company’s distinctive needs? This issue should shed some light on which supplier is writing the program best suited for you and your rental company.


Canadian Rental Mart, March 4 and 5, 2008
As readers already know the Canadian Rental Mart trade show is back on track with a show scheduled for March 4 and 5, in Toronto, next year. I am happy to announce that the Canadian Rental Association (CRA) Ontario division has agreed to be a part of this event and its board members are busy putting an educational and social program together for both equipment and party rental suppliers.

The CRA has been gaining momentum over the last few years under the leadership of some very capable and talented board members. I expect this momentum will carry through to the show in March. Details have not been finalized as of press-time, but visitors to the Canadian Rental Mart can expect to see a ‘value’ program that will be both fun and informative. Watch for more details in the next issue of Canadian Rental Service. -end-

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