Canadian Rental Service

Rentquip appoints bilingual service rep



paulette_lacroixApr. 1, 2010 – Rentquip Canada has appointed Paulette Lacroix as bilingual customer service representative. Rentquip can now offer customers service in both official languages. 

 Paulette Lacroix.  

Apr. 1, 2010 – Rentquip Canada has appointed Paulette Lacroix as bilingual customer service representative. Rentquip can now offer customers service in both official languages.

Please welcome Paulette Lacroix to the Rentquip team. She can be reached in the Woodstock office 8 to 5 EST at 877-664-1515 or

Her role will to be help grow the Quebec market in conjunction with Francois Leblanc and Gilles Legare. This addition combined with our French catalogue and French invoices brings us one step closer to our goal of delivering the best in service and products to the Canadian rental industry.

Rentquip Canada a nomme Paulette Lacroix en tant que technicien bilingue. Rentquip peut maintenant offrir a service a la clientele dans les deux langue officielle. Paulette Lacroix bienvenue a l'equipe de Rentquip elle peut etre atteinte dans le bureau de Woodstock 8 a 5 l'est a 877-664-1515 ou a

Son role sera aide elevent le marche du Quebec en meme temp que Francois Leblanc et Gilles Legare. Cette addition a combine avec notre catalogue francais et les facture de francais nous apporte une etape plus pres de notre but de livrer le meilleur en service et des produits a l'industrie de location canadianne.

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