Canadian Rental Service

GDP, corporate profits up across country

By Canadian Press   


Nov. 8, 2011 - Real gross domestic product increased in every province and territory in 2010, a rebound from the previous year when most
provinces recorded declines or no gain. Nationally, real GDP increased 3.2 per cent after a 2.8 per cent contraction in 2009. Nationally, business investment increased in the three major categories of fixed capital: residential structures, non-residential
structures as well as machinery and equipment.

Nov. 8, 2011 – Real gross domestic product increased in every province and territory in 2010, a rebound from the previous year when most
provinces recorded declines or no gain. Nationally, real GDP increased 3.2 per cent after a 2.8 per cent contraction in 2009. Nationally, business investment increased in the three major categories of fixed capital: residential structures, non-residential
structures as well as machinery and equipment.

Corporate profits rose 21 per cent as commodity prices and overall demand increased. Output in all major goods-producing industries and
services-producing industries was up in 2010, while exports increased 6.4 per cent.

The resource-based economies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador recorded increases in real GDP above the
national average. Output rose 6.1 per cent in Newfoundland and Labrador, the largest increase among the provinces.

In the territories, Nunavut recorded the largest increase, at 11 per cent.
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