Canadian Rental Service

CRA President’s Message: December 2015

By David Mintenko   

Canadian Rental Association

Hello, all. In keeping my finest tardiness form and after several “friendly” reminders from Patrick Flannery this is my farewell/au revoir message as the outgoing president for Canadian Rental Association.

It has been an eventful and fulfilling year in my term as president. I have mixed feelings about the contribution I made within the association during my term. One always feels that more could have been accomplished.I mentioned this in a recent phone conversation with past president and longtime advocate of the CRA, Jeff Campbell. He replied that it was a natural reaction as all outgoing presidents express the same feelings. I certainly hope he is right. I can say it has been a great ride and a terrific experience. I have been able to travel throughout Canada to the various trade shows, exhibits and meetings that each local has put on. The reception extended to me from members and suppliers was nothing short of golden. I cannot say enough about the professionalism, openness and the friendliness of all the individuals I have met and come to know. They exemplify what the CRA truly represents.

There have been some challenges along the way. The addition of our new managing director, Nathalie McGregor, and the subsequent moving of the CRA head office from Winnipeg to Stony Creek, Ont., was one. The formation of the many committees that have been established on a national level and the constant recruitment for new board members at both the local and national level was another.

Another highlight of my term was being part of the inaugural summit meeting between the CRA and American Rental Association this past August, which was held in Toronto. To have the honour of being able to be a part of this meeting with some very influential people and to share, discuss and formulate some of the many discussions was very rewarding. These meetings will bring to fruit great plans for the future of both associations and the rental industry. Many thanks go out to ARA president Terry Turner, ARA CEO Christine Wehrman, Nathalie McGregor and my fellow executive board members for spearheading this event. I sincerely trust and hope this will continue to be an annual event, as I truly believe it establishes a bigger trust and bond and lays out the groundwork to solidify both associations for many years to come.

I need to say that the most rewarding experience throughout my term has truly been the networking. I have been very fortunate to meet so many terrific people; people who have not just become acquaintances or business associates but true friends. This would not have been possible without the CRA and ARA. I thank them both.

In closing, I do know that the incoming president, Tim Ranson, is one terrific, driven and smart individual who will definitely make sure the CRA and all the board members continue onwards and upwards. Many thanks to the executive: Marc Mandin, Tim Ranson, James Morden and Nathalie for their guidance and insight while keeping me on the straight and narrow. They have proven to be truly invaluable. I will certainly miss working with them. To all the current, past and upcoming board members and many suppliers I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with: thank you for your time and contribution. You have helped make this association a successful one. I hope throughout the years we will all stay in touch in some way. Best wishes to all.

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