Canadian Rental Service


By David Mintenko   

Canadian Rental Association

As I officially commence my upcoming term as CRA president, which officially began in New Orleans at the end of February, I would like to share some of the experiences at the recent meetings of our board and the Global Alliance, as well as the AGM meetings.

I also want to talk a bit about the experience of the ARA show and the sights and sounds of New Orleans. The CRA board meetings – executive and directors – were very full but, I feel, very productive sessions. A wide array of subjects was discussed. Highlights of the meetings were a review of membership fees and the rebate program, as well as a review of the CRA insurance program and renewal of the agreement with this magazine. The board of directors meeting was one you needed a program to come with as there were many new, fresh and eager faces. Newly and officially appointed incoming directors were James Morden, Region Ten director; Jim Boddez for Alberta; Kelly Dwyer for Manitoba; Mike Maltby for Ontario and Neil De Jong, director-at-large. Stepping into the vice-president role is Tim Ranson, the Alberta director, with Marc Mandin shifting into chairman’s role. Justin Friesen will be stepping down as insurance director and taking his place will be John Gillespie, who also attended the meeting. I also was very fortunate to meet Nathalie McGregor’s assistant, Jenna Lansky, who attended our meetings. A true breath of fresh air and enthusiasm.

Our new CRA board of directors for 2015 are as follows:

  • Dave Mintenko (Hertz Equipment Rental), president
  • Tim Ranson (CAT Rental Store), vice-president
  • Marc Mandin (4-Way Rentals), chairman
  • James Morden (Rentshop), Region 10 director
  • Nathalie McGregor, CRA managing director
  • Angie Venekamp (Rental Network), B.C. director
  • Jim Boddez (Finning), Alberta director
  • Jill Holtsman (Hub City Display), Saskatchewan director
  • Kelly Dwyer (C and T Rentals), Manitoba director
  • Mike Maltby, (Ingersoll Rentall), Ontario director
  • Paul Ravary (Location Ravary), Quebec director
  • Hank Mcinnis (Hewitt Rentals), Atlantic director
  • Dean Nasato (Wacker Neuson), supplier director
  • John Gillespie (Western Financial Group Insurance Solutions), insurance director
  • Neil DeJong, (ITE Rentals), director-at-large

The size and scope of the show itself is absolutely mind-boggling. The dynamics of organizing this show include many hours of planning, organizing, toil, sweat and repeat. Hats off and kudos to the volunteers, suppliers, vendors and the city of New Orleans. The show is just one big education seminar that goes and stretches forever in a tightly packed couple of days.

Speaking of tradeshows, I would like to salute the fine Saskatchewan people, local board and volunteers alike, as this is the last show being held in Saskatoon. The Prairie Show moves to Edmonton in 2016. Huge kudos and thanks to the entire cast who have provided terrific shows, entertainment and fond memories over the years it was held in Saskatoon.


Finally, a big shout out to Nathalie and Jenna and supporting cast for all the work in not only making the CRA meetings a success in New Orleans but for also putting on a great Canadian hospitality night with a post-Mardi Gras theme.

In closing, on behalf of the CRA family, I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the Johnson family, friends and members of Cavalier Industries. They have lost a true pioneer and gentleman, Jim Johnson, who recently passed after a long illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

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