Canadian Rental Service

CRA Ontario gains seat on Propane Risk Reduction Group

By Canadian Rental Association Ontario   

Canadian Rental Association

Jan. 2, 2014 - The Canadian Rental Association (CRA) Ontario Board is pleased to announce they have recently secured a seat on the Propane Risk Reduction Group (RRG) facilitated by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).

According to TSSA’s website, RRG’s are established to address a safety gap or specific risk management issue. The Propane RRG is comprised of propane industry stakeholders that meet twice a year to discuss current issues, Code changes, industry developments, etc. with the goal being improved safety for Ontarians.
Gord Ellis (former Managing Director of the Ontario Propane Association), the Director of Sales and Marketing for HosePower Canada and CRA Ontario Associate Director represented our best interests at the December 6th RRG meeting at TSSA. Some of the agenda topics that would be of interest to our members are:

  • Propane cylinder storage cages – vehicular protection, safe distances, etc.
  • Filling of RV’s – for motor fuel and appliance fuel
  • Risk and Safety Management Plans (RSMP) – changes to transient tank storage, off-site storage
  • Incident reporting

When asked for comment, CRA Ontario President Dale Brinklow said, “The Board saw the importance of participating on this industry working group, as well as having the collective rental industry voice heard at TSSA. It is a great opportunity for our association and its members. We’re looking forward to moving into 2014 with this initiative”.
The next step is the formation of the CRA Ontario Committee (name to be determined) responsible for our association’s position relative to the issues raised at the Propane RRG.
Any individual or company interested in being a part of this Committee is encouraged to contact Gord directly at

For more information

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