Canadian Rental Service

Point of Rental Software Wins Best Rental Management Software Award

By Point of Rental   


June 23, 2016 - Point of Rental Software, a Texas-based company that offers rental and inventory management solutions, won the Best Rental Management Software award by Rental & Staging Systems at InfoComm 2016 held in Las Vegas this month.

The new product winning entry from Point of Rental Software is Contract Fulfillment, a feature which makes filling contracts more accurate and efficient by utilizing mobile devices to prepare and complete orders. Designed to replace load slips and prep reports, the feature combines real-time rental contract processing with the flexibility of mobile tablets to keep information current between all departments as items are readied to rent or return. Integrated with RFID technology, it also provides precise counts and instant validation of rental contracts.

Point of Rental CEO, Wayne Harris said, “We are constantly innovating to make our customers more successful, and we are honored to receive this award in recognition of that. We believe this feature will make our customers’ rental operations run more smoothly, help them provide better customer service, and ultimately improve their bottom-line.”

Now, even out in the warehouse, employees can view existing contracts and mark items as prepped using a mobile device that is immediately reflected to the counter staff. When contract modifications are made, such as item additions, subtractions and removals, an Action Status field indicates changes and instantly alerts the warehouse. In the contract closing process, warehouse staff can document shortages or damages easily and create notes that are communicated in real-time to sales staff. Immediate updates mean reduced customer wait times and a quicker recovery of costs associated with loss or damaged items. The Contract Fulfillment feature also gives sales staff a real-time view to the operation, speeding up final billing and cash flow.

While the software had previously handled the process with printed reports, this new electronic function provides a quick and easy way of handling the operational flow of rental businesses.

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