Canadian Rental Service

Nayet to leave CRA

By Canadian Rental Association   

Canadian Rental Association

June 29, 2011 - Marie Nayet will leave her position as member services coordinator of the national Canadian Rental Association on June 30. She will be replaced by Pascale Lambert.

Regarding Nayet, executive director Mandy Wellnitz said, "Marie started with CRA in March 2007 and plunged right into the office work as I left for the Prairie Regional Trade Show three days after she started. She was a huge part of making the office bilingual. She worked very hard to update member services in English and French. Her easygoing nature was well received by all the members who came in contact with her on the phone or at the trade shows. I am grateful to Marie for keeping things going in the CRA office during my medical leave in 2010. Marie will be hugely missed by myself and the rest of the CRA members. We wish her well in her future endeavors."

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