Canadian Rental Service

Lavigne to be recognized by ARA

Patrick Flannery   

Canadian Rental Association

Nov. 16, 2015 - Philip Lavigne of S.O.S. Location Industrie in St. Jean Sur Le Richelieu, Que., will be named 2015 Region 10 Person of the Year at the American Rental Association's Rental Show in February. Canada constitutes Region 10 within the American Rental Association, and the Person-of-the-Year award recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the association and the rental industry on the regional, provincial or local levels.

Nov. 16, 2015 – Philip Lavigne of S.O.S. Location Industrie in St. Jean Sur Le Richelieu, Que., will be named 2015 Region 10 Person of the Year at the American Rental Association’s Rental Show in February. Canada constitutes Region 10 within the American Rental Association, and the Person-of-the-Year award recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the association and the rental industry on the regional, provincial or local levels.

James Morden of Rentshop in Alliston, Ont., sits on the ARA board as Region 10 director and was responsible for nominating Lavigne for the award. “Philip’s exceptional contributions to CRA Quebec, CRA, and ARA over the past several years have earned him this recognition,” said Morden. “He has fostered positive change and development at all levels of the association earning the respect and adoration of his peers. Philip has been extremely active in all aspects the association. He was the first leader from Quebec in recent memory to attend the ARA Leadership Conference in Chicago, and did so two years in a row. He has continued to see the benefit of CRA Quebec’s participation in this development program, sending two candidates to the 2015 Conference (Kevin Sirois and Alain Chamberland). He is also active in the ARA’s Young Professional Network and attended the YPN Conference in Phoenix.Philip has demonstrated strength and leadership in his contributions, and has been an advocate for the benefits of membership in the association. I’m sure that he will continue to serve the rental industry admirably for years to come.”

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