Canadian Rental Service

Hon. Tony Clement Presents SUPPLY AND DEMAND at Canadian Rental Mart

Alex Mackenzie   


Our challenge in an era of entangled global supply chains.

The return of the Rental Mart LIVE is shaping up to be a can’t miss event. One of the top features of the event is the keynote presentation from former federal industry minister the Hon. Tony Clement that will take place on the first day of the show, March 8, 2022, at 10:15 a.m. at the International Centre.

Before the pandemic, our biggest concern was finding the customers and making the sales. Now, with the phone ringing off the hook, the difficulty is getting the supplies and equipment we need. This global crisis has laid bare the downside of depending on offshore suppliers for critical products… but are our economies now irrevocably tied to the advantages of cheap labour, less regulation and scale of production that can be found overseas? These are questions that Tony Clement, as former federal Industry Minister, grappled with directly. Today, his concern with the state of our supply chains has led him to co-found Reshoring Canada, an information and advocacy group exploring ways to bring manufacturing back home. Join us at Centre Stage at the Rental Mart to collect Mr. Clement’s insights, prescriptions and predictions for how and where we’ll get our fleet going forward.


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