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Company slapped with $10k fine for faking seal on “canvas structure”

By Professional Engineers of Ontario   

News Government and regulatory Party and event lawsuit

[Moral of the story below: don’t mess around with getting the proper engineer’s seal on tent installations. – ed.]

The Ontario Court of Justice at Cornwall fined a corporation and its principal $10,000 for applying a facsimile of a professional engineer’s seal to design drawings without the knowledge or consent of the professional engineer.

6993231 Canada Inc. (d.b.a. Empire Construction) and its principal, Edsel Byers, were retained by a client to assist with the construction of a canvas structure on the client’s property. In preparing design drawings for the client, Empire Construction and Mr. Byers copied a professional engineer’s seal from a previous set of drawings onto the new drawings, without the professional engineer having reviewed the new drawings and without the professional engineer’s knowledge or consent. Empire Construction and Byers then gave the improperly sealed drawings to the client, who submitted them to the Township of North Dundas in connection with a permit application.

On April 26, 2023, Mr. Byers pled guilty to one count of breaching section 40(2)(c) of the Professional Engineers Act and Empire Construction pled guilty to one count of breaching section 40(3)(b) of the Professional Engineers Act in connection with this conduct. His Worship Brian Snyder imposed a $5,000 fine on Mr. Byers and a $5,000 fine on Empire Construction.

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