Canadian Rental Service

Lehner appointed new CEO of Wacker Neuson SE

By Wacker Neuson   


July 17, 2017 - The Supervisory Board of Wacker Neuson SE has named the successor to Mr. Cem Peksaglam (CEO), whose contract expires in August 2017. Mr. Martin Lehner, CTO and current Deputy CEO, has been appointed to the position.

Lehner will take on the role of CEO of Wacker Neuson SE. Mr. Lehner has been a member of the Executive Board for ten years, responsible for R&D, procurement, production and quality at Group level. Before the merger between Wacker and Neuson (2007), Mr. Lehner was already a member of the managing board of Neuson Kramer Baumaschinen AG, Linz (from 1990 onwards) and subsequently head of the board.

With this appointment, the Executive Board of Wacker Neuson SE will comprise three members. Mr. Wilfried Trepels (CFO) is currently responsible for finance, auditing and IT, and Mr. Alexander Greschner is responsible for sales, service, logistics and marketing.

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