CRA Ontario meets at HosePower
Ed Cosman
Canadian Rental AssociationJan. 20, 2014 - About 45 members of the Ontario CRA descended on HosePower Canada in Ajax recently. Mark Forget, Gord Ellis and the rest of their team welcomed all to their facility and provided guided tours through the office area and warehouse showing all the various hoses, couplings, fittings and peripherals that they sell to the industry. The group also received a demonstration on how hoses and couplings are actually fabricated on-site.
Jan. 20, 2014 – About 45 members of the Ontario CRA descended on
HosePower Canada in Ajax recently. Mark Forget, Gord Ellis and the rest
of their team welcomed all to their facility and provided guided tours
through the office area and warehouse showing all the various hoses,
couplings, fittings and peripherals that they sell to the industry. The
group also received a demonstration on how hoses and couplings are
actually fabricated on-site.
After the tour the group was directed to a nearby golf course where we reconvened for a buffet dinner featuring roast chicken, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, Caesar salad and soup & buns along with more dessert and pastry than anyone could eat!
After dinner the usual business matters were discussed followed by a very informative loss prevention presentation led by Mike Nelson, a York Regional police officer.
The next event for the CRA will be the annual general meeting and hospitality night which will be held in Orlando in conjunction with The Rental Show in February. The next Ontario meeting will be held April 16th in the Ottawa area. Watch your e-mail for more information on this meeting.
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