CRA Holds AGM at The Rental Show
Ed Cosman
Canadian Rental AssociationAs is customary, the Canadian Rental Association (CRA) held its annual general meeting February 27th during The Rental Show which this year was held in Orlando, Florida.
The meeting was co-chaired by Tim Ranson, CRA national president and Dave Mintenko, chairman of the board. The membership approved the usual business portion of the meeting after which Ranson gave a recap of the board’s actions over the past year. Next up, CRA insurance director John Gillespie from Western Financial, gave a summary of the protected self insurance plan and mentioned that members would be receiving a 22% rebate this year – the second largest since the program started.
Next the chairman’s gavel was passed from Mintenko to Ranson and Hank McInnis was introduced as the incoming president for 2017/18. McInnis then introduced all the board members for the coming year.
Finally, a number of awards were presented:
1. President’s Image Award – CRS Contractors Rental Supply in Kitchener, ON
2. CRA National Supplier of the Year – Hilti Canada
3. CRA Rental Person of the Year – Kim Rixon from Muskoka Party Rentals in Bracebridge
4. CRA Award of Merit – Doron Broadfoot of The Rent-it Store in Saskatoon, SK
5. BC Regional Award – Shawn Parks of Rentquip in Richmond
6. MB Regional Award – Denise Hiraoka of Hertz Equipment Rental in Winnipeg
7. ON Regional Award – Diane Gouge of GAL Power Systems in Mississauga
8. QC Regional Award – Christine Tremblay of Location St-Rémi
9. SK Regional Award – Jeremy Andrews of Prairieland Rentals & Sales in Regina
10. Jill Holtsman from Hub City Display in Saskatoon, SK, was presented with a Years of Service Award in recognition of her time spent on the national board as National Saskatchewan Director
The meeting was adjourned and everyone continued on to the Region 10 hospitality function.
The next CRA event will be the Prairie Regional Trade Show on March 11th at the Edmonton Expo Centre.
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